
- Svingstave (1)
- Træningselastikker (1)
- Sandbag/Bulgarian Bag (1)
Tidligere pris 547,00 kr.500,00 kr.Du sparer 8%
Gymstick Svingstave (1)
Svingstave fra Gymstick er enestående træningsredskaber fremstillet af kvalitets fiberglas og elastiske modstandsbånd. Gymstick muliggør mange forskellige øvelser til effektiv helkropstræning. Pga. forskellige modstande egner Gymsticks sig til alle fitnessniveauer. Gymstick sættet indeholder en 75 minutters trænings-dvd, en øvelsesplakat og en praktisk opbevaringstaske.
Tidligere pris 547,00 kr.500,00 kr.Du sparer 8%
Gymstick Træningselastikker (1)
Gymsticks er simple, men tilbyder mange forskellige øvelesmuligheder og komfortabel anvendelse. Du kan så godt som benytte Gymstick elastikkerne til næsten al slags træning. Med Gymstick træningselastikker træner du din koordination, udholdenhed og ligevægt.
1.016,00 kr.
Gymstick Sandbag/Bulgarian Bag (1)
Fitness-bags fra Gymstick er multifunktionelle træningsredskaber, der kan benyttes til til mange forskellige styrke- og coreøvelser: sving, løft, stem eller kast. Denne fitness-bag fra Gymstick er forsynet med flere stropper til alsidig anvendelse. Uanset om den bruges i stuen eller i det fri, fitness-bags fra Gymstik er det perfekt træningsredskab til funktionel styrke-/coretræning.
Gymstick: ingeniously simple
With the Gymstick Swing Sticks, you use your entire body. The sports equipment offers a wide range of exercise possibilities with just one fitness device. The special feature: you can easily regulate the workout with Gymstick yourself and adapt it to your personal fitness level.The Gymstick Original, a groundbreaking combination of a high-quality fibreglass rod and elastic resistance bands, improves cardiovascular functions and flexibility in addition to strength and endurance. The popular rod is also used for exercises in ice hockey, football, and tennis.
The Gymstick Fitness Bag represents the new way of strength and core training. The sturdy yet flexible weight bag combines a medicine ball, dumbbell, kettle bell, and boxing training in one device. Different grip options allow for a variety of exercises.
The Gymstick success story
Gymstick was founded in 2003 by Risto Kasurinen (one of the Nordic walking initiators) and Miika Vesalainen (athlete, personal trainer, and coach). The idea: to develop sports programmes and exercise equipment that would help people on their way to more fitness and exercise – the Gymstick concept was born. The Gymstick Original excited top athletes, fitness enthusiasts, physiotherapists, and personal trainers around the world with its ease of use and wide range of applications. The great success of the workout device and the desire to inspire drove the young company to develop other innovative fitness equipment along with the Gymstick app.Today, Gymstick is one of the leading fitness brands in Finland and Gymstick fitness equipment is sold in 45 countries worldwide. Product quality and customer satisfaction are Gymstick's top priorities.
Gymstick has received a number of awards around the world, including the award for the most innovative fitness product in Finland of 2004 and the best home fitness device of 2006 in Australia. At ISPO 2005 in Munich, Gymstick was among the finalists for the ISPO Brand New Award.